Windows 7 black glass theme in deviant art
Windows 7 black glass theme in deviant art

This will make your appearance more beautiful. If you leave this option enabled, it will replace your window frame and title bar with theme resources which look like Windows 8 but have the full featured Aero look. Follow its steps until you see the following page: Take note of the checkbox at the top. Tip: Here's how to determine if you are running 32-bit Windows or 64-bit. It will install Aero Glass automatically. I recommend you to download the file named "Installer (32-bit+64-bit Windows)". It is suitable for Windows 8.1 and above, i.e. Download the file under section "Aero Glass for Win8.1+".Visit the official download page of Aero Glass.To get Aero Glass in Windows 10, you need to follow the instructions below. BigMuscle, the developer who had revived the Aero Glass effect for Windows 8 using DirectX, has done the same for Windows 10.

Windows 7 black glass theme in deviant art